Storm Elite Recreational Athlete Signup 2024 Storm Elite Recreational Athlete Signup 2024 Step 1 of 6 16% Family Contact DetailsGeneral details for this athlete family, including the best primary contact for the family. Use athlete details if you are over 18.Primary Contact Name* First Last Primary Contact Phone*Primary Contact Email* Home Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Number of Recreational Athletes Enrolling*Number of Recreational Athletes Enrolling12 Athlete InformationAthlete Name* First Last Athlete's Date of Birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Athlete's T-Shirt Size*Kids 4Kids 6Kids 8Kids 10Kids 12Kids 14Which Recreational program is this athlete joining?*Cheer 4 FunTiny Tot TumbleDoes the athlete suffer from any of the followingPlease check all that apply Asthma Heart Condition High Blood Pressure Diabetes Epilepsy Arthritis Other Other DetailsPlease provide further details of the athlete's medical conditionsIs the athlete currently taking any prescribed medication?* Yes No Medication DetailsPlease provide details of medication the athlete is currently prescribedDoes the athlete suffer from any known allergies* Yes No Allergy DetailsPlease provide details of the athlete's allergiesDoes the athlete suffer from any long-term injuries* Yes No Injury DetailsPlease provide details of the athlete's long-term injuries Athlete Name* First Last Athlete's Date of Birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Athlete's T-Shirt Size*Kids 4Kids 6Kids 8Kids 10Kids 12Kids 14Which Recreational program is this athlete joining?*Cheer 4 FunTiny Tot TumbleDoes the athlete suffer from any of the followingPlease check all that apply Asthma Heart Condition High Blood Pressure Diabetes Epilepsy Arthritis Other Other DetailsPlease provide further details of the athlete's medical conditionsIs the athlete currently taking any prescribed medication?* Yes No Medication DetailsPlease provide details of medication the athlete is currently prescribedDoes the athlete suffer from any known allergies* Yes No Allergy DetailsPlease provide details of the athlete's allergiesDoes the athlete suffer from any long-term injuries* Yes No Injury DetailsPlease provide details of the athlete's long-term injuries Emergency Contact InformationIn the unlikely event of an injury or medical emergency, our first call will be to the listed primary contact. Please provide details for another trusted person who can be contacted if the Primary Contact is unavailable.Emergency Contact Name* First Last Emergency Contact Phone*Relationship to Athlete/s* Photo/Video Waiver & Emergency ConsentPlease affirm you agree to the following:Photo/Video Waiver*I understand that throughout training and competition with Storm Elite All Stars photos and/or videos may be taken of me/my child, and I agree to allow Storm Elite All Stars to use these photos and/or videos for both educational and promotional purposes, including but not limited to print media, promotional flyers, television, Storm Elite All Stars Website & Social Media accounts. I agree Medical & Injury Notification*I agree to notify Storm Elite All Stars of any changes to the listed medical & injury history, or of any other factor which is relevant to my/my child's capacity to participate in the Cheerleading program. I agree Emergency Medical Consent*In the unlikely event of an injury or medical emergency, where the coach in charge of the class is unable to contact me, or it is otherwise impractical to contact me, I authorise the coach in charge to consent to me/my child receiving such medical treatment and may be deemed necessary by a medical practitioner; to administer such first aid as the coach in charge may judge to be reasonable necessary; or to call an ambulance. I agree Storm Elite All Stars 2023 PoliciesPlease affirm you have read and agree to the following:Payments and Cancellation Fees* I have read and agree View Payment and Cancellation Fees PolicyInjuries & Ambulance Cover* I have read and agree View Injuries & Ambulance Cover PolicySocial Media & Communication* I have read and agree View Social Media & Communication PolicyStorm Shelter Housekeeping* I have read and agree View Storm Shelter Housekeeping PolicyPublic Holidays & Extreme Heat* I have read and agree View Public Holidays & Extreme Heat Policy Membership Price: Membership Price: Total $ 0.00 Direct Deposit Details Account Name: Storm Elite All Stars BSB: 633000 Account: 147 675 631 Ref: Memb[SURNAME] - ie. if your surname is Smith, your reference should be MembSMITH I have paid my membership by Direct Deposit Please upload a screenshot/receipt of Membership Payment*Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, bmp, gif, Max. file size: 512 MB.Credit Card Details* Cardholder Name Card Details